Ultraleggeri usati e non solo!
In Switzerland since 2009.
Previously registered in USA with call sign N28LL
Currently disassembled for repairs after landing nose gear accident occurred on April 23, 2021
Firewall already replaced, fuselage front lower skin panels replaced. All with new parts from Piper
Engine shock load inspection performed with replacement of the crankcase with new one. Performed by Cermec Motor in Switzerland
Engine mount repaired
Elevator, rudder and aileron cables replaced
Landing gear stripped, inspected and repainted, replaced worn bushing and bolts
Complied With EASA AD 2021-0107 / PSB 1345: Lower Main wing Spar Caps - Eddy Current inspection. found satisfactory.
Removed all flight controls for detailed inspections and 7 years inspection.
Performed NDT inspection of the elevator attach.
Removed old paint of the main landing gear assy.
Performed 7 years inspection of both wing spars.
Removed rudder assy, inspected all attachments and performed NDT inspection.
Removed both flaps assy. Removed walk way anti-slip on the right wing and on the flaps due to damage. Sticker area cleaned.
Removed old light system.
Found in good conditions.
Performed NDT Inspection of the elevator bob weight.
Cleaned all carpets and all seats leather covers.
Performed 7 years / 2000Hrs inspection of the AFT wing attach, in accordance with Piper Service Bulletin 1244A.
Vacuum System already removed for installation of new digital electric instruments (new instruments not available with the aircraft)
All logs available
Airplane time state Airframe S/N: 2843385
Total Time: 2675 hours
Engine Lycoming O-360-A4M, SN: L-30439-36A
Manufactured in 2008
TT: 9077
TSOH: 834
Overhauled by Cermec Motor in Switzerland on July 8, 2015
With new camshaft, Lycoming cylinder kits with Hi Chrome valve guides, overhauled Crankcase, Alternator, new Sky Tech Starter, new Magnetos
Installed in HB-PRI in July 2015
After propeller ground strike, shock load inspection with replacement of the crankcase with a new one and magnetos overhaul completed by Cermec Motor on 23/06/2021
Engine was preserved after the inspection and is ready for installation
Fixed Pitch Two Bladed Sensenich Propeller, 76EM8S14-0-62, S/N: 3931953K in serviceable condition
Interior Beige Leather, in good condition.
Currently removed
Exterior White with blue accents, in good condition. Replaced front belly fuselage panels, engine cowlings and nose wheel fairing need to be painted
Avionics Garmin GMA340 Audio Panel, Marker Beacon
2 each Garmin GNS430 WAAS NAV-COM-GPS
2 Garmin GI106 VOR LOC NAV Indicator, (one new)
Garmin TAS system (only working with in USA via Datalink)
S-Tec 55 Autopilot
Garmin GTX330 Mode S Transponder
Artex ME406 ELT
Avionics currently removed for the replacement of the firewall
Options Boom Beam STC SA02279AT
LoPresti Zip Tips, Tapered Wing Tips, STC SA01038AT, SA01982AT, SA01675AT
Whelen Anticollision Lights STC SA6NE, SA21NE, SA615EA, SA800EA
LoPresti Speed Splitter
LoPresti Speed Seal, Flap Gap Seal Project
Knots 2U Rudder Fin Cap / Strobe Fairing STC SA1571GL
Airconditioning system was removed and is not available
Wheel pants
Nose gear wheel fairing damaged
Control locks for elevator and rudder pedals
Kannon windows sun shields
Remarks Empty Weight: 1725 Lbs, last weighed May 5, 2017
MTOW: 2550 Lbs (1157 kg)
Aircraft to be sold as project in "as is, where is condition", repairs and maintenance to be completed
Specifications subject to verification by purchaser
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